Casual Game Development
Casual Game Development
Want to create a game?

What we offer

At Biom Studio, our Concept Art service is a visionary approach that transforms client ideas into tangible game elements. Through detailed visualization, we create stunning game worlds, characters, and environments. Our Concept Arts serve as a crucial tool for clients, enabling them to identify the perfect combination of graphics, visuals, and settings for each game asset.

Full-Cycle Casual Game Development

Casual games are your ticket to enjoyable, straightforward entertainment. These games are designed for easygoing play, offering simple mechanics and accessible gameplay. Dive into a world of laid-back enjoyment with our casual game development expertise.

Casual Game Arts Production

Our artistic mastery extends to the creation of captivating visuals that breathe life into your casual games. From characters to environments, our game arts production adds an extra layer of charm and allure to enhance the overall gaming experience.

Co-Development Collaboration

Whether you need support in development, game design, or architecture, our combined expertise ensures an infusion of excitement and innovation into the casual gaming landscape. Let's unite to craft games that captivate and entertain.

Way we work

How to craft digital world?


Discover your game's core concept, identify your target audience, and highlight distinctive features. Set clear project goals, navigate constraints, and express your preferred style.



Construct interactive prototypes for gameplay testing. Collect feedback and refine game mechanics for optimal performance.



Prepare for the game's release on chosen platforms, coordinating launch strategies and marketing campaigns for maximum impact.


Conceptualization and Design

Brainstorm game concepts and mechanics. Formulate a concise game design document (GDD). Bring concepts to life with concept art, character designs, and key element visualizations.


Full-Scale Development

Implement game features and functionalities, integrating captivating visuals, animations, and sound effects for a compelling gaming experience.


Post-Launch Support

Continuously monitor user feedback and game performance. Implement updates, enhancements, and new features to ensure an ever-evolving and engaging gaming experience.



Discover your game's core concept, identify your target audience, and highlight distinctive features. Set clear project goals, navigate constraints, and express your preferred style.


Conceptualization and Design

Brainstorm game concepts and mechanics. Formulate a concise game design document (GDD). Bring concepts to life with concept art, character designs, and key element visualizations.



Construct interactive prototypes for gameplay testing. Collect feedback and refine game mechanics for optimal performance.


Full-Scale Development

Implement game features and functionalities, integrating captivating visuals, animations, and sound effects for a compelling gaming experience.



Prepare for the game's release on chosen platforms, coordinating launch strategies and marketing campaigns for maximum impact.


Post-Launch Support

Continuously monitor user feedback and game performance. Implement updates, enhancements, and new features to ensure an ever-evolving and engaging gaming experience.

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Why us

Let's create something new

Full-Cycle Expertise
Full-Cycle Expertise

From ideation to launch, we offer full-cycle mobile game development services. Whether you need captivating game design, engaging artwork, or seamless co-development, our team has the expertise to bring your vision to life.

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Artistic Mastery and Visual Appea
Artistic Mastery and Visual Appea

Elevate your casual game with our artistic mastery. Our team excels in creating visually appealing characters, environments, and key elements that enhance the overall gaming experience. Let us add charm and allure to your game.

Artistic Mastery and Visual Appea icon
Transparent Collaboration
Transparent Collaboration

Collaboration is at the heart of our approach. We believe in transparent communication and actively involve you in the development process. Your insights guide our decisions, ensuring the final product exceeds expectations.

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Cutting-edge AI Integration
Cutting-edge AI Integration

Harness the power of generative AI to expedite processes and reduce development costs, ensuring efficient and streamlined workflow.

Cutting-edge AI Integration icon
Want to learn more


Casual game development is tailored to create games with simple mechanics that are quick to learn but hard to master. The focus is on creating intuitive gameplay that can be enjoyed in short sessions, making it accessible to a wide audience, including those who may not consider themselves traditional gamers.
The key is to design core mechanics that are easy to understand, with layers of depth added through progressively challenging levels, diverse game elements, and rewards that keep the gameplay fresh and engaging over time.
We develop casual games for a variety of platforms, including mobile devices, tablets, and web browsers, focusing on where our target audience spends the most time and prefers to play.
Yes, casual games offer various monetization strategies such as in-app purchases, advertisements, and premium version upgrades. We ensure these strategies are integrated naturally within the game to enhance, rather than detract from, the player experience.
Key metrics include daily active users (DAUs), retention rates, average session length, and lifetime value (LTV) of a player. These metrics help us understand the game's performance and inform iterative improvements.
The cost of developing a casual game can vary widely based on several factors including game complexity, art and design requirements, platform, and the depth of content. On average, a simple casual game can start from 10`000$ for something very basic, to 30`000$ for games with more features, depth, and polish.
Want to learn more

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