Blockchain Game & NFT
Blockchain Game & NFT
Looking for Web3 Game development?

What we offer

We seamlessly integrate blockchain technology to create immersive game worlds where ownership and uniqueness are powered by non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Dive into the future of gaming with decentralized systems, smart contracts, and tokenomics, ensuring an innovative and secure gaming ecosystem.

Full-Cycle Blockchain Game Development

Experience a holistic journey from concept to reality with our full-cycle blockchain game development. We fuse cutting-edge technology with creative ingenuity to craft immersive and decentralized gaming experiences that redefine player interactions.

2D/3D Game Arts Production

Elevate your blockchain game visuals with our artistic mastery. From characters to environments, our game arts production team brings your digital assets to life, ensuring they align seamlessly with the blockchain-driven narrative.

Integration of Blockchain Infrastructure

Seamlessly integrate blockchain technology into your gaming ecosystem. Our experts ensure the secure implementation of decentralized systems, smart contracts, and tokenomics, providing players with true ownership and unique digital assets through NFT

Way we work

Creation of Play-to-earn games

Conceptualization and Research

Dive into the conceptualization phase by understanding the client's vision and researching blockchain gaming trends. Identify the unique elements that blockchain and NFTs can bring to the game


Game Development and Art Production

Kickstart the full-cycle game development process, including 2D/3D game arts production. Craft characters, environments, and assets that not only align with the game's narrative but also seamlessly integrate with blockchain and NFT functionalities.


Quality Assurance and Testing

Rigorously test the game's blockchain features, ensuring the seamless functionality of smart contracts, NFT transactions, and overall game performance. Identify and resolve any issues to deliver a polished product.


Blockchain Integration Planning

Develop a comprehensive plan for integrating blockchain technology, smart contracts, NFTs and wallets into the game. Ensure a seamless fusion of decentralized features with the overall gaming experience.


Blockchain Infrastructure Implementation

Implement smart contracts to govern in-game transactions and deploy NFTs to represent unique digital assets. Ensure the security and transparency of the blockchain ecosystem.


NFT Marketplace Integration (Optional)

If applicable, integrate an NFT marketplace within or alongside the game, allowing players to trade, buy, and sell digital assets securely on the blockchain.


Conceptualization and Research

Dive into the conceptualization phase by understanding the client's vision and researching blockchain gaming trends. Identify the unique elements that blockchain and NFTs can bring to the game


Blockchain Integration Planning

Develop a comprehensive plan for integrating blockchain technology, smart contracts, NFTs and wallets into the game. Ensure a seamless fusion of decentralized features with the overall gaming experience.


Game Development and Art Production

Kickstart the full-cycle game development process, including 2D/3D game arts production. Craft characters, environments, and assets that not only align with the game's narrative but also seamlessly integrate with blockchain and NFT functionalities.


Blockchain Infrastructure Implementation

Implement smart contracts to govern in-game transactions and deploy NFTs to represent unique digital assets. Ensure the security and transparency of the blockchain ecosystem.


Quality Assurance and Testing

Rigorously test the game's blockchain features, ensuring the seamless functionality of smart contracts, NFT transactions, and overall game performance. Identify and resolve any issues to deliver a polished product.


NFT Marketplace Integration (Optional)

If applicable, integrate an NFT marketplace within or alongside the game, allowing players to trade, buy, and sell digital assets securely on the blockchain.

Why blockchain matters?

Value for gamers and businesses

Decentralization and Ownership

Blockchain introduces decentralization, allowing players to truly own in-game assets. NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) provide a secure and transparent way to represent digital items, giving players real ownership and the ability to trade assets across games.


Interoperability Across Games

With blockchain, in-game assets and currencies become interoperable across different games and platforms. Players can use their acquired assets in various gaming ecosystems, fostering a broader and more connected gaming experience.


Community Engagement and Governance

Blockchain facilitates community engagement through decentralized governance models. Players can participate in decision-making processes related to the game's development, changes, and future directions, fostering a sense of community ownership.


Secure and Transparent Transactions

Blockchain ensures secure and transparent transactions through smart contracts. In-game purchases, trades, and other transactions are executed on the blockchain, reducing fraud, ensuring authenticity, and providing a trustless environment.


Player-Driven Economies

Blockchain empowers players to contribute to and benefit from in-game economies. Through NFTs and blockchain-based assets, players can monetize their achievements, creations, and contributions, creating player-driven economies within games.


Innovative Gaming Models

Blockchain opens the door to innovative gaming models, such as play-to-earn, where players can earn rewards for their time and skills. This shift from a consumer-only model to a participatory one transforms the gaming landscape.


Decentralization and Ownership

Blockchain introduces decentralization, allowing players to truly own in-game assets. NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) provide a secure and transparent way to represent digital items, giving players real ownership and the ability to trade assets across games.


Secure and Transparent Transactions

Blockchain ensures secure and transparent transactions through smart contracts. In-game purchases, trades, and other transactions are executed on the blockchain, reducing fraud, ensuring authenticity, and providing a trustless environment.


Interoperability Across Games

With blockchain, in-game assets and currencies become interoperable across different games and platforms. Players can use their acquired assets in various gaming ecosystems, fostering a broader and more connected gaming experience.


Player-Driven Economies

Blockchain empowers players to contribute to and benefit from in-game economies. Through NFTs and blockchain-based assets, players can monetize their achievements, creations, and contributions, creating player-driven economies within games.


Community Engagement and Governance

Blockchain facilitates community engagement through decentralized governance models. Players can participate in decision-making processes related to the game's development, changes, and future directions, fostering a sense of community ownership.


Innovative Gaming Models

Blockchain opens the door to innovative gaming models, such as play-to-earn, where players can earn rewards for their time and skills. This shift from a consumer-only model to a participatory one transforms the gaming landscape.


Beyond the boundaries


We work with

Why BiomStudio

Blockchain that bring a value

Deep Expertise in Blockchain Technology
Deep Expertise in Blockchain Technology

Benefit from our extensive experience and deep expertise in blockchain technology. Our seasoned team understands the intricacies of blockchain development, ensuring that your game leverages the full potential of this revolutionary technology.

Deep Expertise in Blockchain Technology icon
Strategic Partnerships with
Leading Blockchains
Strategic Partnerships with Leading Blockchains

We have forged strategic partnerships with leading blockchains and distribution platforms. These collaborations enable us to stay at the forefront of blockchain advancements, ensuring that your game is aligned with the latest industry standards and innovations.

Strategic Partnerships with
Leading Blockchains icon
User-Centric Approach
User-Centric Approach

Our user-centric approach ensures that blockchain integration enhances, rather than complicates, the gaming experience. We prioritize user-friendliness, making sure that players, both familiar and new to blockchain, can easily navigate and enjoy the added benefits that blockchain brings to the game.

User-Centric Approach icon
Blockchain integration recommendations
Blockchain integration recommendations

We go beyond implementation, providing strategic guidance on how blockchain can offer utility and value for players. Whether it's creating tradable NFTs, introducing a play-to-earn model, or enhancing in-game economies, we tailor blockchain usage to maximize player engagement.

Blockchain integration recommendations icon
Want to learn more


Blockchain games leverage decentralized technology to create a secure and transparent environment for players. They often feature player-owned assets, real-value trading, and play-to-earn models, enabling a whole new level of player engagement and economy.
NFTs represent unique in-game assets that players truly own, which can be traded or sold in external markets. They add a layer of rarity and value to in-game items and can also be used to prove provenance and authenticate limited edition content.
We use smart contracts on the blockchain to automate transactions, which are tamper-proof and auditable by anyone. This ensures all in-game transactions are transparent and secure against fraud.
Play-to-earn models reward players for their in-game achievements with cryptocurrency or NFTs that have real-world value. This not only incentivizes gameplay but also allows players to earn from their gaming prowess.
Yes, we prioritize creating an accessible onboarding experience that feels familiar to players from traditional gaming backgrounds. By integrating user-friendly wallets, simplifying crypto transactions, and providing comprehensive tutorials, we can bridge the gap for non-crypto users.
Blockchain games can generate income through transaction fees, direct sales of NFTs, royalties from resales, and appreciation of proprietary tokens facilitated by automated market makers (AMMs).
Want to learn more

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